Major League Hacking 2017 Hackathon Season

Welcome to the HackNYU day-of website! This is where you can find all the info you need for during the event.


To get notified about announcements, make sure to join our Slack channel: here.

If you ever need help during the event, please ask any of our volunteers, organizers, or public safety staff.

As a reminder, all participants and volunteers are expected to follow the MLH Code of Conduct. Attendees in violation with the rules of the event may be asked to leave.


You can pick one of 4 different tracks that you can submit your project to, as well as a number of sponsor prizes (to be announced). Teams may have up to 5 participants. View the full hackathon rules: here.

Learn more about the different tracks here.

Submissions are due at 12:00 PM on Sunday on Devpost, which can be found here. Try to submit a bit earlier, as you can keep working up after submission until the end of the hacking period.

Judging and Expo

Devpost link here.

Hacking will officially end at all locations by Sunday, March 25, at 12PM ET (NYC time). Teams need to submit to DevPost by 12PM.

NYC-based teams will pitch their projects at our hacker expo to judges for a chance to win (Shanghai- and Abu Dhabi-based teams can submit video demos along with their Devposts). Teams have a total of 4 minutes to interact with the judges for their track to pitch and answer questions. We recommend spending 1 minute on pitching and demo and the remaining 3 on answering questions the judges may have — keeping in mind the judging criteria (found on this page).

You are strongly encouraged to present a demo during your pitch of what you have built, even if your hack is broken or incomplete. If you can, refrain from using slides. Instead, show a live or interactive demo of your project!

You can also talk about what challenges you faced and what you learned when making your project. Demoing and pitching is a chance to share with others what you learned and tried to build — that’s what hacking’s all about! For being courageous enough to demo, you’ll receive a special MLH “I Demoed” sticker.

Opening Ceremonies

View the livestream of the Opening Ceremonies: here.

The opening slides can be found: here.


There will be a number of activities and workshops throughout the event. We highly recommend you attend!

The schedule can be found: here.


Note: Single-stalled, all-gender restrooms can be found in the basement.

Showering and Sleeping

Showers are in the basement, right below gym.

Shower hours:
Friday: until 9:30PM
Saturday and Sunday: 9:30AM to 4:30PM

We have a designated "nap room": Room LC400 in 5 MetroTech Center, Floor 4. Please ask a volunteer if you need guidance.

Sponsor Challenges and Prizes

Prizes can be found: here. They are also on the Devpost.

More details about the challenges and prizes can be found in the Opening Ceremony Slides.

MLH Hardware Lab

MLH has provided hardware for hackers to borrow during the event. To borrow hardware, you must first request on their website, and then visit their booth in the gym.

Request hardware to borrow: here.


NYU has a brand new RESTful API (could come in handy for *edTech* apps, hint hint!). Documentation can be found: here. And the API portal can be found: here.

NYU IT Enterprise Data Management will be at HackNYU to help with the API. If you have API questions before or after the event, please send email to You are also invited to join the NYUAPI Slack community for ongoing discussion about APIs at NYU, and news about new datasets and developer support options as they become available on a rolling basis.

Prayer Room

Our prayer room is located in room RH311, in 6 Metrotech Center. Please ask a volunteer is you need help finding it.

Quick Links

Thank you to our sponsors!

PS: This is your chance to snag those internships and learn more about working at these top companies.